GSM Desktop Phone fixed wireless phone

GSM Desktop Phone is a desktop style GSM mobile phone for home or office use. The product implements advantages of mobile phone: sending and receiving SMS messages, address book, integrated rechargeable battery. Large LCD display with user friendly menu  makes deskphone usage easy. Clearly visible LCD characters allow clear reading of text messages and fast software menu navigation. Illuminated LCD display enables deskphone usage in the darkness.


  GSM network

  Full emulation of fixed phone

  Large LCD display

  Speed dial 1-9 numbers

  Modern and solid case design

  Perfect sound quality
  User-friendly menu navigation

  Built In rechargeable battery back up

  Wall mountable

  Hands-free mode

  SMS Send and Receive

  DTMF transmission

GSM Fixed Wireless Phone FWT/ FWP Huawei ETS5623

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