Linksys PAP2 Configuration Guides

These instructions are based on using the PAP2 in its factory default configuration which is to obtain a dynamic IP address automatically from your router using DHCP, which is how most people have their home routers configured. For information on configuring your PAP2 with a static IP address, please refer to the PAP2 user manual.We recommend that you read each step through in its entirety before performing the action indicated in the step.
STEP 1 Connect your router with the supplied Ethernet network cable to the PAP2. Now connect your phone to the PAP2 Line 1 port. Finally plug the supplied power cable into the PAP2.
STEP 2 Wait 60 seconds after plugging your PAP2 in.
STEP 3 Pickup the phone connected to the PAP2 and dial the * key on your phone 4 times.
STEP 4 Have a pen and paper ready. You will hear a message – “Configuration menu. Please enter option followed by the pound key…”, then enter 1 1 0 # on your phone. You will now hear a message giving you the IP address of your PAP2 such as – “ write this number down.
STEP 5 Open a web browser on your computer such as Internet Explorer and enter the IP address you heard in step 4 as the address (I.E. where you would normally enter
Please note: some browsers will require you to remove leading zero’s ( 0 ‘s ) in the IP address. For example if you heard “” you should change this to “”.
STEP 6 Please note, the PAP2 by default does not have a password assigned to it, so you should now see a page that looks like this:

If you are prompted to enter the username and password please enter it and you should see the image above.

STEP 7 Now click on the “(switch to advanced view)” link as indicated in the picture below:
STEP 8 Now click on the “Admin Login” link as indicated in the picture below:
STEP 9 Click the tab labeled “System” in the menu at the top:
STEP 10 Enter time servers and DNS servers as indicated below:

  1. Set your Primary DNS server to a public DNS server such as You can also set your Secondary DNS server to a public DNS server such as
  2. Set your Primary NTP Server to, or your preferred working NTP server. You can also add a Secondary NTP Server if you wish

Click the “Save Settings” button after you have entered the time servers. The web page will display a screen for a few seconds stating that it is saving the changes you made.

STEP 11 Click on the SIP tab from the main menu.

Scroll down to SDP Payload Types section.

Set the following values:

RTP Packet Size: 0.020
G729a Codec Name: G729
G729b Codec Name: G729

Click the “Save Settings” button once you are done to save these changes.

STEP 12 Click the tab labeled “Regional” in the menu at the top. You will now be shown the Regional page. Scroll to the bottom of the Regional page. In the “Time Zone” field select the number of hours plus or minus that your local time is offset from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

Click the “Save Settings” button after you have selected the time zone.

STEP 13 Below we outline the steps assuming the use of Line 1.Note: Now we will setup the line you will use Callcentric with. Normally if you are using the PAP2 only with Callcentric you would use Line 1 by clicking the “Line 1” tab which is how the example below is shown. If you already have another provider configured on Line 1, use Line 2 instead by clicking the “Line 2” tab. You may also configure Callcentric on both Line 1 and Line 2 by first setting up Line 1 following the directions below; and then repeating the step identically but in the “Line 2” tab.

Click the tab labeled “Line 1”

STEP 14 Within the Line 1 page is where most of the settings will be configured. Below is a list of the settings that need to be changed from the default configuration; you can click the screenshot below to see the full page of settings in detail.

Setting Value
NAT Mapping Enable yes
NAT Keep Alive Enable yes
Setting Value
Proxy Enter in this field
Outbound Proxy Enter in this field
Use Outbound Proxy yes
Use DNS SRV yes
DNS SRV Auto Prefix yes
Setting Value
Display Name Enter your name in this field
User ID Enter your Callcentric number here (your Callcentric number starts with 1777 and has an additional 7 digits)
Password Enter your SIP Password here. Your SIP password is the same password you create when you sign up for you Callcentric account. Optionally you may change it in your preferences.
Auth ID Enter your Callcentric number here (your Callcentric number starts with 1777 and has an additional 7 digits)
Use Auth ID yes
Setting Value
Preferred Codec G729a
DTMF Tx Method Auto
Within the Dial Plan delete ALL of the current setting and replace it with the following by copying the text below and pasting it into the Dial Plan field:

Click the “Save Settings” button after you have finished entering all information on the Line 1 page.

STEP 15 At this point your PAP2 should be registered (connected) to our servers. You can verify that your PAP2 is successfully setup in ANY of the following ways:

  • Click the “Info” tab in the top menu. Under the “Line 1 Status” section on the Info page you should see “Online” next to the “Registration State” field.
  • The light next to the Line 1 on the front of your PAP should be on.
  • You should have dial tone on Line 1 when you pickup the phone.

If you do not see your PAP2 as registered, you should re-verify all steps in the setup process above. Make sure you have entered all settings correctly.

STEP 16 That’s it! You can now make a phone call.You can make a test call to 17771234567, or if you are signed up for one of Callcentric’s rate plans you can place a call to a traditional landline or mobile phone by dialing either:
1 + the area code and number for calls to the US
011 + the country code, area code, and number for calls worldwide (you may also use 00 instead of 011).
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